"I want to sign Your name to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"There's a table saw in the adult restroom" and other things that delight teachers

1. Having the keys to use the grown-up potty where you don't have to worry about where you step or what you might leave with trailing to your shoe.
2. Velcro shoes.
3. Kids that can punch the straw in their own juice boxes.
4. Paper towels that don't break off in itty-bitty pieces when you pull them out of the dispenser.
5. Diet coke. And more diet coke.
6. Finding a marker that's ink matches the color on the lid.
7. Markers that aren't dried out even when the color does match the lid.
8. Finding out that your kids are old enough to do errands for you: "Hey Child A, can you run back into the classroom and grab my sunglasses?" "Sure!" and they come back. With the glasses. Amazing.
9. Picking up a sweater off the ground and finding the name in the tag.
10. Finding a table saw in the adult restroom because it's the only room in the building maintence considers "child-proof."
11. Kids that look at you after you've said their name 34567876565678783 times.
12. Hearing teacher-isms come out of another teacher's mouth and knowing you aren't the only one that says, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit," "Four on the floor," and "Excuse me, it's my turn to talk."
13. Finding the glue stick in your pocket BEFORE you wash it.
14. Counting 24 kids during a fire drill. Yeah, you're only supposed to have 20, but have too many  is better than not enough.
15. Reading the notes Mom's put on their kid's napkins. "Eat your healthy food first! Love, Mommy." Yeah right.
16. Having two tattler's stories jive at the same time about the same offense.
17. School nurses that don't laugh at you when you come in just to hide. 
18. Having to wait five minutes to finish your story because one of the characters in the book's name is Mr. Martin and no that is not my husband. No really, it's not. Because I'm not married. No, I'm really not, see my hand? Because I haven't met the right person yet. Sure you can be a flower girl. You can all be my flower girls. And ring bearers. Well, you can share the pillow or I'll get ten rings. No, probably not this weekend. No, not next weekend either. I promise I won't get married over Spring Break. May I finish this story please?
19. Realizing that one of your kids can sneeze behind and you and you recognize who it was. 
20. Knowing that 12 years from now, when they're pimply and driving with girlfriends and they're standing in line to pick up their cap and gown, they're going to remember your name.
21. Knowing that 12 years from now, when you run into them at Target, you will pretend you remember their name and it will wake you up in the middle of the night when you actually do. And then you'll feel like it was all worth it.

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